Bacteria exists everywhere: in the air we breathe, in our bed, on our food, and even in us. It existed even before man came to be. Not all bacteria are harmful to us because some can be beneficial but some can be very harmful and worse,fatal. Kids and adults alike are vulnerable of capturing bacteria but we can thank that our bodies are superior enough to have an immune system to minimize and even eliminate most bacteria to prevent us from being sick. However, for young kids especially the toddler years, their immune system are not  yet developed enough to eliminate most of the harmful bacteria, that is why they are the most vulnerable and we need to do all we can to protect them. 

First, let us consider that the toddler year is the most critical stage of  a kid’s life because they are still very curious about their new world so they are always keen of crawling around, touching everything new they see and putting in their mouth anything that they think that is food.  Parents can’t always have their sights on their kids every second especially when they are in the daycare/childcare center. Most of these daycare/childcare centers have been marketed as childproof and child-safe from the flooring, furniture to the play equipment. However, that does not mean that it is all bacteria-free. 

Luckily, Graboplast has came up with a way to answer one of these problems. With their new product of vinyl flooring called Silver Knight, parents/teachers will not have to worry of bacteria sticking to the kids as it eliminates >99% bacteria . I has been scientifically proven that it destroys bacteria without the use of chemicals. It is also low maintenance and very easy to clean as compared to other regular vinyl flooring. 

To learn more about Silver Knight, feel free to call us at (65) 6358 3672 or drop us an email to or visit our contact page.